We Believe in Death With Dignity
At our Oct. 4 Cohasset DTC meeting, our guest speaker was John Berkowitz, Director of the statewide organization Massachusetts Death with Dignity. They educate and advocate for our state to become the 11th one (Maine, Vermont, New Jersey, etc.) plus Washington DC to legalize the option of Death with Dignity--also known as medical, compassionate aid in dying. After hearing John speak, and robust discussion, the Cohasset Democratic Town Committee voted to support this bill and encourage our state representative, Rep. Joan Meschino, to support and co-sponsor this bill.
Medical and compassionate aid in dying would benefit adult citizens who are terminally ill with cancer, heart disease, ALS, etc.; mentally capable of making their own healthcare decisions; and facing the prospect of severe pain and unrelieved suffering, despite the best efforts of hospice and palliative care. It would allow such qualified patients to receive a prescription from their doctor, and at a time of their choosing, self-administer this life-ending medication to ensure a peaceful, painless death.
The Death with Dignity bill in the Legislature is called The End of Life Options Act (H.2381). It was long-championed by Rep. Louis Kafka of Stoughton, and the lead sponsors this session are Reps. James O'Day and John Mahoney of Worcester.
There are currently 66 co-sponsors, including Rep. Josh Cutler of Duxbury, and 18 Senators. The Joint Committee on Public Health held a public hearing on H.2381 on Oct. 1, and last year the JCPH reported out favorably a very similar bill.
A Boston Globe poll of last year that showed 70% of the Massachusetts public supports passage of such a Death with Dignity bill; and to the Dec. 6 Globe editorial that called on the Legislature to pass this legislation.